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1. Use of the Website 

The contents of Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd.  website are for personal, noncommercial use only. The copyrights contained in the contents and other proprietary notices should be respected and kept in the copy. If the website contents have no copyright statements, it does not mean that the website does not have the rights or claim rights, you should respect the legitimate rights and use them legally according to good faith principle. You can not modify, copy, display publicly, publish or distribute these materials in any way, or use them for any public or commercial purposes in other ways. It is prohibited to use these materials in any other websites, print media and network computer environment. The website contents, edit and other forms are all protected by Copyright Law and other laws. Any unauthorized use may constitute the infringement of copyrights, trademarks and other legal rights. If you reject or violate the agreements, your use authorization will be automatically terminated, and the downloaded or printed contents must be destroyed immediately.

2. Information Publish 

This site's information are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement. In addition, Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd.  does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of information on this website. The contents of this website or the products, prices and configurations that described in the contents may change at any time without notice. The contents of this website may have expired, Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd.  makes no commitment to update them. You may not get the products, programs or services that published on the website at your local place, please contact with local business contacts or agents of Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd. 

3. General Principle 

Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd.  may modify these terms at any time. You should visit this page often to understand the current provisions which are closely related to you. Some clauses of these terms could be replaced by some legal notices or provisions in this website. 

4. Disputes arising out of the announcement or the use of this website, refer to the laws of the PRC.strong 

5. The right to interpret this announcement and the right to interpret the use of this website belongs to Liaoning Zizhu Group Co., Ltd.